Please Ivan, let us sleep. My mother-in-law has been sleeping since 9pm. I know she's so tired of taking care of Ivan the whole day. I hadn't helped her take care of him. I woke up late at 9am. Then I slept a little more before lunch and early dinner. I had only helped her when she's taking him a bath.

09:00 pm: Ivan woke up for milk. I gave him water. I felt the need to go to the comfort room :(
09:30 pm: I gave him milk.
10:00 pm: He's done with the milk. He fell asleep but woke up. Tumatae pala sya.
10:30 pm: He's done with crying and his poopoo. I made him sleep. I put him on his bed. And he cried!
11:00 pm: At last, he's now sleeping. I can go to the CR now :)
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