Friend # 1:  Can we have s*x?  Just once...
Me:  No.

Friend # 2:  Can we meet?  I miss you so much.
Me:  Yeah, we should meet.  I'll ask ****** to tell our friends to plan for our friends reunion this December.
Friend # 2: No.  Just the two of us.  I just miss you.
Me:  Err, what do you mean?
Friend # 2:  I got a crush on you.  You're so sexy.  We're mature people.  I know you're open-minded.  Can we meet?  You know what I mean.
Me:  No I can't.  And I'm not sexy anymore.  Bye now.  My baby's crying.

Friend # 3:  Heard you have a baby.  You baby is cute.
Me:  Thanks! How's love life?
Friend # 3:  I got married.
Me:  Wow!  Congrats.
Friend # 3: We should meet.  Let's go somewhere.  I'm good at bed.
Me:  Hahaha...  how's married life?  You have to earn more because you'll have a baby to feed soon.
Friend # 3: Wanna try me at bed?
Me:  Hmmmm hey!  Come on.  No jokes like that.
Friend # 3: I'm not joking.
Me: (no reply)

What's happening???  All of these conversation happends this month.  Those are old friends of mine.  I don't know.  Have I done something bad on my early 20's???  I didn't flirt with them before.  I got some more proposals.  But I would rather not put it in here.  I might get more if I put the unrevealed one on writing.

I'm asking myself, and recalling my being me before...

Or guys really ask their friends that way.  Is it normal for a girl to get such proposal from her friends?

My husband knows about those proposals.  I have opened it up to him.  Of course he doesn't know who the guys are.  I told my husband that I won't accept such thing.  Because I love him.  I'm happy to see a smiling face from him.
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5 Responses
  1. nobe Says:

    what? those weirdos are your friends? hahaha!


  2. berrymumbling Says:


    yeah they are my friends. crush daw nila ako dati. hahaha

  3. What? No way is that normal behaviour from "friends", especially those that know you are recently married with a young child. Maybe someone nasty put the word out that you are "easy" or some kind of nympho, or spread some other kind of rumour that you sleep around? I can't imagine "friends" being so upfront to ask you just like that otherwise.

  4. Popcorn Says:

    I agree with Greg.

    You shouldn't even consider these people friends if they do not respect you.

  5. berryblitz Says:

    I really can't understand why they are like that on me. About the "spread some other kind of rumour that you sleep around", I don't think I sleep with anyone who proposes to me.

    Or maybe I'm too close to guys. But the topic is always computer-related when I talk with those them.

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