Me:  I took the pregnancy test early morning.

Husband:  Are you pregnant?

Me:  (Just smiling) hehehe...

Husband:  (Just looking at me, waiting for my answer.)

Me:  Hmmmmmmmmm.....

Husband:  (A little worried on his face.)

Me:  I'm not pregnant.

Husband:  I thought you're going to say that you are pregnant.  If you are pregnant... blah blah blah

Me:  (laughing out loud)
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3 Responses
  1. Popcorn Says:

    Are you guys planning to have another baby na ? :)

  2. berrymumbling Says:

    ako gusto ko, husband ko ayaw =)

  3. berrymumbling Says:

    and oo nga pala. kahit anong gawin ko, nde nanaman ako mabubuntis. parang i need to take medicines ulit para mabuntis ako.

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