I just saw this tag on Eds and I decided to join in the fun...

On July 5 Mitch asks "Right after your husband proposed, what was the first thing that came to your mind?

Husband:  Do you love me?  Would you be my wife starting today?

Me:  Sure I love you.  But are you sure you really really love me?  Are you serious with me?  We have just met, just last month.

Husband:  Yes I do.  Will you marry me soon?

Me:  Yes of course.

Husband:  So, will you be my wife now?

Me: Yes.

Husband:  Let's sleep together tomorrow.
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4 Responses
  1. Eds Says:

    "Husband: So, will you be my wife now?

    Me: Yes.

    Husband: Let’s sleep together tomorrow."

    Bwahahahaha! Totoo ba toh sis???? heheheheh.. ang bilis ha~! sleep agad ang nasaisip! hehehhe :) kaw tlga! :)

  2. berrymumbling Says:

    hahaha oo totoo yan... ang bilis noh.

  3. Mitch Says:

    Tapos? :D

    Hehe! Thanks for joining!

  4. berrymumbling Says:

    Tapos... tapos... basta nagmamadali akong magkababy nun kaya...


    pero nde ren ako nabuntis agad! wala talaga akong kuenta...

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